Thursday, September 19, 2024

antitheatricality and politics (the Truth about Cats and Dogs and Geese)

 Cats! Dogs! Geese! Laura Loomer! Look, now he’s attacking Taylor!

 Like the last season before a show gets canceled for getting over-the-top and, at the same time, boring.

 This election is about jobs, wages, climate, health care, abortion. Not his show. Your life.

- Pete Buttegieg 

Mike Johnson will not shut down the government.

This is just the humiliating failure theater that Trump drags his most loyal supporters into before they have to surrender.

And surrender he will.

- Ron Filipkowski

"Failure theater" - love it. 

This is a trope-meme they used against AOC, that she was just an actress, mouthing lines written for her by shadowy behind-the-stage-curtain figures. 


  1. Last time I commented on one of these posts, I spoke about how the Trump campaign resembled a Nigerian prince email scam, in that the ridiculous deceit seemed designed to dissuade the more discerning members of the electorate and to appeal to the least informed and most gullible. Thinking more, I remembered some other point about criminal organisations: they're populated by incompetents.
    This makes sense when you think about it. Most people do not wish to pursue a life of crime, and seek to earn their bread and butter via legitimate means. So, criminal gangs tend to comprise the very poorly educated (recall the illiterate Warren from Porridge, a common state among prisoners). There's a Japanese saying which translates as, "No two people resemble each other more than the copper and the Yazusa. The only difference is what job they chose after they failed school."
    Trump's appeal may be mainly to the doltish, but the constant unenforced errors and managerial ineptitude that have defined his political career, coupled to the Dunning-Kruger assertion of his own adeptness, makes the similarity to con-artistry even stronger: it's the dim trying to scam the dim.

    1. They are staggeringly inept but the terrifying thing is how many people are prepared - out of transparently race-based fears and interests - to overlook the incompetence and put these clowns in charge of the state apparatus and military resources of a world superpower.


who's a pretty boy then

One moderately intriguing counterfactual in rock history is what would have happened if John McKay and Kenny Morris had not quit the Bansh...