Sunday, December 15, 2024

anti-theatricality and politics (slight return)

 "Assad's cult is a strategy of domination based on compliance rather than legitimacy. The regime produces compliance through enforced participation in rituals of obeisance that are transparently phony both to those who orchestrate them and to those who consume them. Assad's cult operates as a disciplinary device, generating a politics of public dissimulation in which citizens act as if they revere their leader ... It produces guidelines for acceptable; it defines and generalizes a specific type of national membership; it occasions the enforcement of obedience; it induces complicity by creating practices in which citizens are themselves "accomplices", upholding the norms constitutive of Assad's domination; it isolates Syrians from one another; and it clutters public space with monotonous slogans and empty gestures, which tire the minds and bodies of producers and consumers alike ... Assad is powerful because his regime can compel people to say the ridiculous and to avow the absurd."

- Lisa Wedeen, "Acting "As If": Symbolic Politics and Social Control in Syria"

You could substitute another five-letter leader name here and it would work just as well.

Struck me as an interesting way of describing the mechanisms of autocracy. It's like a particular authoritarian mutation of the Spectacle 

The dictator  forces everybody to participate as extras in a giant theatrical production that is the State 

Individual mass spectacles are part of this (as in the North Korean style synchronized stadium pageants)  but at the ultimate degree the spectacle encompasses the entire social field

As a subject, you simultaneously spectate the collective fakery even as you play a bit part in it

It's all for show, but it doesn't work through convincing people that it's true, it works through making people pretend, participate is a mass lie.

Does the dictator believe this pageant of make-believe? Is it the externalisation of his own grandiose inner fantasies,? Like Billy Liar imagining himself the caudillo of Ambrosia - except a dream come true, in this case, as exacted social fact. 

Doesn't matter - the point is the submission to the charade that is enforced and obeyed.


  1. Assad's favourite band is the Electric Light Orchestra. Does that indicate anything?

    1. Someone should do a piece on politicians and their musical peccadilloes. Margaret Thatcher's favorite single was said to be "Telstar".

      I don't think it necessarily indicates anything - it's the consumer version of that thing where a great musician can be an awful human being. Or have terrible politics. There's a complete fissure between aesthetic faculties and morals / personality. Saints and salt of the earth types who kitschy taste. And vice versa.


anti-theatricality in rock (slight return)

  New Musical Express,  December 18 1976  The title of Paul Stump's excellent book on prog rock captures this idea - we're all about...